Destarching Experiment of Photosynthesis

Concept Explanation

Destarching Experiment of Photosynthesis

A number of experiments can be performed for proving the various conditions and requirements necessary for photosynthesis. One of such experiment is destarching of leaf.

Destarching (Removal of starch),  A plant used for experiment on photosynthesis should initially be placed in the dark for 24 to 48 hours to destarch the leaves. During this period, all the starch from the leaves will be removed, to the storage organs and the leaves will not show the presence of starch.

To test a leaf for starch(Iodine test)

Dip the leaf in boiling water for a minute to kill the cells.

Boil the leaf in methylated spirit over a water bath till it becomes pale - white due to the removal of chlorophyll. The leaf now becomes hard and brittle.

Place it again in hot water to soften it.

Spread the leaf in a dish and pour iodine solution on it. The presence of starch will be indicated by a blue - black colour. A leaf without starch will show brown colouration.


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